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    [respect to Scott Adams!]

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     \(_) *
    (/\ . /

From : Adam Gurno

        Our hero, sitting at his Be Box proto.  His hair might look a
little funny depending upon what you are using to read this.  If you don't
like his hair, you can modify it how you want.  (I would suggest these
alternatives: '"'"'"', `'`'`'`', and ~^~^~^~.  Find one you like.)  Try
not to look at his hand. 8^)

                                                  |       |
                                                  |       |
                                                  |       |
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                 |        ||                     (_       |
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                 |        ||                      |       |        -abg
                 |        ||                      /\   ..--
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                    /   \                     \ \// ,,      \---.
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              ___|_________|__|""-.___          /        ||  |  |
             |             |----------             .-----'|  |  |
             |             |                      CC.-----.  |  |
             |             |                        '-----'  |  |

A quick and dirty Ratbert pic.  His ears actually lay down more than I
am able to show in this small of a drawing.
                                   ||      ((-..
                                   ||      /   00.....o
                                  //      /            )
                                  ||      :      ------~
                                  ||     ;        \             -abg
                                  ||     ;   \\_   \
                                  ||     ;    '--():

       This is Dilbert and Dogbert sitting down.  Ummm...  any questions?

                                          |      |
                                          |      |--.----.
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                                         (_    ' |  |    |
                                          |      |  |    |
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                                          |..---''  |    |
                     .---.           /\  /\..---''  |    |
                    /     \          \ \//        \ |    |
                   :  / \-OO          '-'    /__\  \|    |
          .-.      : (___) 0          //      //   /     |
          | |       \  (_) |         //..---------'      |
          | |  _____/.__ _/_________(/_||                |
          | |-|         \\             ||                |
      ____'-'-'----------O-------------||                |
     (______________)               |==||                |
     |              |               |  ||                |
     |              |               |  ||                |
     |              |               |  ||                |-abg
     |              |               |  ||                |
     |              |               |  ||                |
     |              |               |  ||                |
     '--------------'               '--''----------------'

        This is Dilbert's garbage man.  He is my favorite character by
far, and I drew him as if he was going to say something, but it is late,
and I cannot think of something that is witty enough.  If you want to
change him so that he is reading instead of reacting, try changing his
mouth from the '.' to a '-'.

                         C   '----'
                         |       )   .-----.
                         |     .|   /_     /
                         '''----'  /  )   /
                         /       \/'..'__/
                        /        /   /
                       /            /
                                      | | | | | | |
                                      | | |(__) | |     -abg

        This is Dilbert's perpetually bad date.  I am sure that there are
actually more than one, but they almost always look like this one.
Let her say something dumb.  I never like it when she gets the best of
our boy.   I remember that happening wayyy to often in RL.

                             ..(~       ~)..
                            (               )
                           (     ~~~~~~~     )
                          (     |  . .  |     )
                         (      |  (_)  |      )
                        (       |       |       )
                          (.,.,.|  ===  |.,.,.)
                                 /     \
                                /       \         -abg

And, last and probably least in the brains category, Dilbert's boss.
His hair is not quuuuuite right.  I am going to hide behind the 'too
tired to do something about it right now' excuse.  Also, this little
bit of trivia popped up when I was 'reseaching' (read: sneaking into
the local bookstore and reading all the Dilbert books that I don't
own) him: his eyebrows change periodically from the 'unibrow' look to
a regular dual look.  At least that's easy to change.

              @         @
             @@  ..-..  @@
             @@@' _ _ '@@@
              @(  . .  )@
               |  (_)  |
               |   _   |
               |_     _|
             / | '\_/' | \
            /  |  | |  |  \       -abg

More Dilbertian Ramblings....

         |        |  What's wrong, Dogbert?
         |        |    /
         |       ~|~                         _ __
         |-------())                        ||  |
         (        _)                      .'~\  /. I'm a horrible ascii
         |        |                     ()()--\/ ". /  drawing!
         |        |                      0        "
         ''..     |                     :     //  |
         |'..'---_/\                    :    ()   |
        /    ''---|| /\                 '.       ."
       /     \    \\/\/                   "..  ."\\
       |  \  /     \_/                      || |  ^
       |   \/\\    | \  -adam gurno        ((__)

             .        .
           (    |   |\  |
            |   |___|_|_|
            |       __ |
            |       \/ |    OOOO
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            ========()==     | |
           /        /\  \--;_| |
          /         /|   | |__/
         /_____/ __/ |   |-|
          /    ~~  ) |   |
      ((  ~------..)/    |
           |         |   |
           |         |   /
            |              \
            \               |
             \__________    |
                  |    /   /
                  |   /   /        -adam gurno
                  |  /___/
                 /   /_/..
                 |  /     ~'-
                 |  ----..   )
                 |    |   ~~~
                  /  '-----.

          _   _
         {{} {}}
        |      ~~ ~~
       |@       . .|  Work Smarter, not harder...
        |        --.  /
        |        --'         _______
        |        O |        |       |
        ''';.......         |       |
        """'..()...|______.---,     |
       /  \\  /\  //      | |~      |
      /    || | | || _____| |       |
     /     \\/  \//  |     -|_______|
     |      \\..//   |
     |       \\//    |  -adam gurno

        Well, it's a start...

Adam Gurno                              gurnoab@cda.mrs.umn.edu
Csci Major @ the UofMinn-Morris '97     Happily making some of the worst
Unix Junkie                             ascii art ever known.

From: Tim Brennan

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   /     |  |   \\  \~\ \            Dilbert's Boss
  /      |  |    \\  \~\ \
 {       |__|     \\  \~\ \
 |_______(__)____  \\  \~\ \
     |_____o_____|  \\  "" |
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                 /    /::/       \        Wally
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               /    /::/ |  /____|
              /    /::/ _|___| |_|__
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       |      |  |              Alice
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        |[[[[[[[[       teb


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ASCII Character Codes:

d = ASCII 100

i = ASCII 105

l = ASCII 108

b = ASCII 98

e = ASCII 101

r = ASCII 114

t = ASCII 116


D = ASCII 68

I = ASCII 73

L = ASCII 76

B = ASCII 66

E = ASCII 69

R = ASCII 82

T = ASCII 84
